Should Kids Get Help From A Guardian

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Should kids get help with homework from a guardian? Some kids get more help with it than others, such as a parent. I think all kids should have that privilege of asking a parent. Some might argue that kids need to be independent and do the work on their own. However, as you get older and get into new grades, you have a lot more homework. So you might want some help with it. That's why kids should get help from a parent or guardian. It's stressful, kids can't be kids, and disadvantages when not getting help from a parent. To begin with, homework is one of the main reasons why kids can't be kids (pg.20). If they get help, then they have more time to just be a kid and not worry. Kids need exercise just like anyone else. They can't do sports and things if they have a ton of homework. It's not just about exercise either. Some kids play instruments and do art related things which helps them be more detailed with schoolwork, but also more tired. …show more content…

Schools are making this worse by giving so much stress causing things. Schools don't seem to understand that some kids just get so stressed out they end up crying over what seems like something small, but can actually be huge to them. Like too much homework (pg.20). That's why parents should at least be involved. It makes a little of that stress go away. And it's not just those people with illnesses that are like that, it happens to everyone but is worse for

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