Should Fascists Be Allowed To Be Free

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"For to be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others." Nelson Mandela. Freedom of speech to many is considered a sacred right, it is considered a key right to any democracy and is a value that is held in high esteem everywhere, particularly in liberal democracy. But should fascists be allowed to voice their opinions, rally, and run for government? This is an important question that many of us would not question. Of course everyone should have a right to voice their opinion, but what if this opinion threatens the freedom of others. Chomsky who says "it's either we believe in free speech for people we disagree with, or we don't at all." Well others have said "Oppressive …show more content…

My answer is that fascists, and extreme reactionaries, need to be stopped before harm is done to the victims fascists see as subhuman.. The truth is, when we look back at history, we see what happens when fascists are allowed to organize unopposed. They kill racial minorities and other vulnerable groups, and in a few cases, have seized state power. Adolf Hitler being the most obvious example. He ran in elections, eventually the current president at the time, Hindenburg, finally gave in after the previous chancellor failed to attract popular support, and appointed Hitler as chancellor. Hitler went on to become the dictator of Nazi Germany, and as a result, millions suffered, and died. After we apparently learned our lesson, over seventy years later, society seems to be repeating their mistakes. "Denying fascists their free speech makes you a fascist!" They cry, "We must preserve liberal values!" They scream. Recently we have seen protestors holding signs that state “Love Trumps Hate” it is indeed a beautiful concept, "the market of ideas" liberal pluralism, the belief that even with fascists, we should preserve our integrity and liberal values, and everything will work itself out. However, this is a flawed idea, that history has proven is a dangerous delusion. Perhaps the liberals screaming about free speech, will adopt an alternative perspective when they are behind the barb wired fence.The truth about fascists is, they don't play by the same rules. They will backstab, use deceit, trickery, and anything they deem necessary to achieve their ends, which are horrific. Best way to describe it, is unjustified means, unjustified ends. Because of the fact that they will use anything at their disposal to achieve their ends, it makes them much more of a threat to seize power, even by force. We already see President Trump doing this, going back on all his anti-establishment appeals. His cabinet consists of mostly

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