Should Elderly Retake Their Drivers Essay

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The cars swerved left and right causing My head to smash against the window with force. The car then bounced over the curb then smashing us down making me noxious. finally, “splat.” The squirrels guts splattered everywhere leaving its cute innocent body laying their drowning in his own blood. “Grandpa stop” he slammed on the brakes, and I never got in the car with him again. Within 3 minutes, my grandpa served up a curb and hit a squirrel, and the worst part is he did not realize that he hit the squirrel. Senior citizens have way too many health problems to drive,Their crashes cost money, and They crash a lot. Because senior citizens are a menace to society and should be required to retake their drivers test after 70 years of age. My first …show more content…

It is dangerous because the elderly drive reckless and when they drive reckless they crash. For example according to the article “Older Adult Drivers” in 2010, there were about 5,149,000 crashes accounted for. If the elderly stopped driving that number would go down by a lot. Another example explaining why the elderly should retake their test is because of the deaths. For Instance According to the article “Older adult drivers” there is an average of 15 older adult deaths by car crash a day. Another example from the article “older adult drivers” is in 2012 more than 5,560 elderly people died in a car crash. My last example for why car crashes are dangerous is the injuries. The elderly are injuring themselves by driving. For example according to the Article “Older Adult Drivers” There are more than 214,000 deaths among the elderly because of their driving, And that's not including the injuries the elderly because among other people when they hit them. In addition there are about 586 injuries among the elderly due to car crashes. So there for elderly drivers are too dangerous. On the side of the elderly, they have the most experience driving so they might crash

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