Should College Be Free Essay

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The average 2016 college graduate comes out of college with “37, 172” in student loan debt. This is the burden that students have to worry about and then they have only six months to find a job that can cover loan payments. Personally financing part of higher education has become difficult in today’s economy. Thus, many policymaker, politicians and parents wonder if colleges should be free. I believe that free college tuition should be provided because it will help the US economy grow and help students focus on their studies.
Free college tuition should be given because the government would be investing its money for a worthy cause and help the economy grow. If we want our nation’s economy to thrive and more people to enter the middle class, we would have to make colleges free. As Joshua Wyner, academic and a prolific Wall Street Journal writer, noted, in near future there will be a huge gap between the percentage of jobs that require a degree and the percentage of working-age adults who have a degree (Wyner, 2015). In other words, if companies are unable to find adults with skills needed to perform the job, economy will suffer. According to Kenneth, “there is incredible public benefits of investments in higher education including measurable boosts to economic activity” (Pennington, 2016). That is to say, a …show more content…

Some students who get good grades in school do not have enough money to continue their education. They have to rely on their job, as much as their academics to be able to pay for all necessary books and classes that they are required to take. Lack of money should not stop a student from completing their education, but mostly their dream to become whatever they want to be. Free college tuition is a suitable circumstance that will not only reassures our country’s devoted students, but also assist them and their current economic

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