She's Come Undone, by Wally Lamb

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There are many works of art in literature. Anytime you can pull personal experiences from the body of work and relate to the text, the author has achieved his or her goal of authentically making the simple formation of words into a masterpiece derived from thought and emotion from within their own conscience. Human relationships fill up a major void throughout almost every single piece of literature you will ever read rather it be fiction, poetry, drama or anything else. In the novel “She’s Come Undone” by Wally Lamb the personal relationship between the main character, Delores Price, and the people around her is challenging and complex. Like in any brilliant work of fiction you find yourself relating to the character in ways you never thought you ever could. Delores displays many emotional set backs and triumphs from beginning to end. Through articulate vocabulary, Wally Lamb manages to pull you into the world of Delores Price, and the struggles she goes through from age four to forty. Though Delores tries day in and day out to discover who she truly is as a person she struggles a great deal to find just what she is looking for. She thirsts for attention and relevance at a constant rate and never seems to receive either. Through the influence of those that have been around her for the duration of her entire life and the ones that are only passing through, Delores becomes a strong, independent woman with a colored background. In the beginning of her days on earth as an innocent toddler she is faced with her parents divorce and the betrayal of family loyalty she has come to understand. As a young child this messes with her psyche and her ability to comprehend what a real family relationship is like. She struggles to f... ... middle of paper ... ...o give to get something in return. You have to open up and let people in, even though there is the probability of being hurt. Life is full of hurt, but unless you can deal with pain, how are you to ever know what happiness is? Through much self examination and reliving her pains and life until her current age of twenty, Delores Price finds herself to be a kind hearted, passionate young woman. A great shock to her indeed. Her relationships that have fizzled in the past have made her who she is today. Without them, she would not be as strong as she is now. Self discovery, a major theme of the novel, bares the underline theme of her relationships with others. Through the influence of those that have been around her for the duration of her entire life and the ones that are only passing through, Delores becomes a strong, independent woman with a colored background.

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