Shame And Making Truth Summary

569 Words2 Pages

Justin Matos

Reasoning and Analysis Paper

When you come from a different country do you have trouble communicating with others? Is it hard to adapt to the new culture or stay within your own culture? Around the world, many people are rewarded for been direct and independent. Been able to take care of yourself and work well with others who are not in your culture can help you achieve great things. In this paper. I will discuss how in the case study " Shame and Making truth". The author M. Cameron Hay tries to solve the conflict between high and low context culture and high low uncertainty avoidance in his new family in Indonesia. I will discuss the problems the author faced by using examples from the case, my personal experienced and an article called culture and conflicts by Michael LeBaron. …show more content…

People in different countries still have the high culture or low context culture. (High vs. low context culture mean that low culture relies more on explicit verbal communication. High context culture is more collectivist, it values more interpersonal relationships.) In the case study Shame and Making Truth Cameron has relied on high context culture values to solve the case. He ignores their cultural beliefs and focuses more on his. According to the case "Cameron is faced with a problem where someone steals money and pictures." He tries to not let the problem happen again by being direct (using low context culture) But he ignores there beliefs and how they see things. In Addition, when he talks to La Ani the stepdaughter of La Anan he talks to her directly and explains what has happened. This shows that people can be in the different country and still don't have to change their cultural

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