Sexuality in the Elderly

855 Words2 Pages

Sexuality in the Elderly:

Sexual Dysfunction and Ways of Coping

Over the last century, the life expectancy of the elderly has increased. This means that the largest growing population right now, in the United States, is persons over the age of 65 (Sex Tips for Older Adults, 2000). With this in mind, it would be helpful to talk about the personal aspects or as I like to call it, "sex lives" of the elderly. When people in our society think of the elderly, they almost never think of this population having sex or good sex for that matter. But they do! Unfortunately, the elderly encounter problems with sex as they become older and that is what I will be discussing along with way of coping with sexual dysfunction.

Sexual dysfunction can be defined as the inability to partake in or enjoy sexual relationship with one's partner as a result of underlying physical and/or psychological factors (Hoel, 1998). Physical attributions play a large part in both males and females and their ability to perform and enjoy sex. Males encounter several normal changes as they become older. A decrease in the hormone testosterone is very common amongst males with increasing age. Testosterone is beneficial because it gives a decrease in body fat, an increase in energy, including sexual energy, and an increase in lean muscle. These factors are important for physical attraction one has for another, definitely improving the outcome of sexual arousal. The size and firmness of the testicles may be reduced because of this decrease as well. The sexual response phase also changes with age. During the beginning of sex, an older man may experience a delay in his erection and when erect, the penis may not be as firm as when younger. ...

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... the past and is effective in approximately 25-35% of patients with erectile dysfunction (Murdock, 2002).

The truth is, human beings are fortunately never too old to enjoy a happy and healthy sex life. Many people, young and old alike, are astounded at the idea of people remaining sexually active through their elder years. Having a good sex life when your sixty years old is possible for both men and women.


Demeter, Debora (1998). The Human Sexuality: Sex and the Elderly. Retrieved November 10, 2002 from the World Wide Web:

Hoehl, James J. (1998,Winter). Archives of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons: Sexual Dysfunction and the Elderly. (vol.2,no.1)[Online.]

Medcohealth. Women and Aging: Our lives due change (2002). Retrieved November 18, 2002 from the World Wide Web:

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