Sexuality In The 19th Century

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Our thinking of modern sexuality discourse has largely been repressed since the Victorian era. Since the early 19th century sex has only been seen as a means for reproduction, if seen as a means of pleasure is considered to be taboo. The only way to remove such an action from being viewed as taboo is to have open discussions about sex and educate citizens on other uses of sex besides for the process of reproduction. Michel Foucault was the first to question that thought process and to bring to light a different use of sex for pleasure instead of only being used for reproduction. He coined the word “discourse” to speak authoritatively on the topic of sex. According to Foucault the first psychologist to speak critically on the topic of sexuality …show more content…

Gay, lesbian and bi-sexual relations have just recently begun to be talked about in modern society. Progressive states like USA have recently legalized gay, lesbian, queer and bisexual marriages in USA. In the early 1800 (Victorian Era) the gender roles were clearly defined. Having sexual desires was clearly associated with the lower middle class and women of the upper class were supposed to show restraint in their sexual advances and …show more content…

One cannot replace one characteristic for another and believed that each have individual has their own unique traits that make them alluring to each other. One should accept the qualities both genders present and not discriminate on the basis of gender. The gender binary was developed where one believed that only two genders existed which were seen at birth and will align with the social construct of the masculinity and femininity. The sex that is determined at birth ends up imparting the rules and norms assigned for each gender to present themselves in society. This rules end up determining their identity and they never get to discover who they really are. No society in the world allows one to freely express sexual desires, one has to maintain a certain decorum to make sure that such desires are controlled in a public environment and one is made well aware of the societal norms that are in place while performing such an act. Sex is an intimate act between two partners to produce a pleasurable sensation in the body. One feels that full expression of such sexual desires might lead to anomie in society and hence in the middle ages of European history were largely

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