Sexual assaults

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Sexual offenders have been a problem that has faced the criminal justice system for a long time. Sexual offenders come in all different types. Most sexual offenders look like anyone else walking down the street. It is very hard to pick out a sexual offender from a crowd of people unless one knows that person or has seen their case broadcasted on the local news. Sexual offenders can have different variations of the sexual offense they have been convicted on. Some sexual offenders are sentenced for statutory rape, others for pedophilic offenses and others for violent sexual assaults. Each one of these offenses has a completely different thought process and level of violence associated with it. All of these offenses devastate the victim and has long lasting effects on the victim’s life. Also, sexual offenders are more likely to commit another offense. Usually with child molesters the child they were prosecuted for molesting is not typically their first victim. Most of the time the compulsion to reoffend is too hard for the offenders to resist. The correctional system, which is a part of the criminal justice system, needs to keep all of this in mind when paroling sexual offenders back into the community. The community deserves to be protected at all costs from these offenders. The criminal justice system and the correctional system have put different programs into effect to help maintain and protect the safety of the community. All sexual offenders are required to register under Megan’s Law. Wherever a sexual offender lives, he or she has to let the police and parole agent know where he or she is located. The public is able to use the Megan’s Law website, especially in Pennsylvania, to see what sexual offenders live in... ... middle of paper ... ...surround the issue of lifetime GPS monitoring of sexual offenders. The criminal justice system has to address that question, but until then police and the school could increase security to try to prevent an attack. If an attack should take place the GPS monitor on the sexual offender could be what solves that case. If electronically monitoring sexual offenders by GPS for life can save even just one potential victim, it is worth the cost. Saving potential victims should be a higher priority than it already is. Saving a potential victim can lower the number of potential sexual offenders in the system, because there is sometimes a connection between being a victim and becoming a perpetrator/offender. Overall GPS monitoring of all sexual offenders is a great idea it should be looked and closely and implemented into the correctional and criminal justice system.

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