Self Reflection Essay

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Many aspects of ‘self’ in myself have appeared in a clearer light since observing the other side of the globe for some time now. After reading Chapter 11 of Communication Issues Facing a Global Identity and reflecting on some opinions, feelings and thoughts, I have come to a closer understand of this so called mix or morphing of local and global identities by connecting experiences and ideas presented in the article to formulate a further acknowledgement of the transformations that we are all experiencing around the world. A lot of my input comes from self reflection in respect to technology and communication and where such reflection might lead us in the future.

One of the very first questions that was asked in the readings was to think about how much technology has influenced my communication with my family and friends. Its fun to think how much different my life would be if such technology never existed. Would of I chosen to move five hours away from my family to attend Carleton University if I had known I was not going to be able to Facetime or Skype them from back home? Would of I been okay with moving to the other side of the globe for en entire year? I honestly don’t think I would have even made the trip to Ottawa had face to face interaction over a computer not be in existence. I truly believe that technology has allowed me to sum up the courage to leave everything behind without doubting it for a second. Having the ability to call my parents at any time, any where, or to speak with my grandparents from Orlando, or my best friend who is currently on exchange in England or my fellow BIBer’s all around the world is no less than astonishing to think about and hard not to appreciate.

Another questions in the reading asks...

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...pinion the reason that globalization is becoming so Americanized by Pop Culture is because USA depends on it. The US wants to be a symbol of a happy and comfortable living in all parts of the world. They strive for this because of the economic and political factors involve and because it provides the future and the safety of the country. By expanding their own culture they can guarantee a safe and successful future for themselves. Globalization and the expansion and adaptation of Americanized Pop Culture seems to be inedible. It seems unfair but in order to improve social classes and technology around the world, there is a need for global connectivity. However, saying that, its hard for me to look at a country like Argentina who truly do have a wonderful way of life were millions of people have devoted their lives to their respective cultures, beliefs and histories.

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