Self Driving Trucks Informative Essay

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2A:. Trucks have been a huge thing for many years now as they are the transportation for many things like; cars, food, and even the packages you order with the click of a button. Self driving trucks that it’s main serving purpose is to cut down the need for humans and to prevent deadly crashes that make up the 4,000 people that die each year due to truck related crashes. These self driving trucks will be programmed to transport items from point A to point B without needing the help of a human. This will help by cutting down the need for humans to drive around for more than 11 hours.

2B: For my computational Artifact I will be using google slides to show a visual presentation of what my artifact is and it’s impact on the American way of life. …show more content…

The self driving trucks will decrease the number of deaths by decreasing the human errors that causes these deaths including; speeding,not paying attention to road, drunk drivers, texting and driving, and even being under the influence of drugs, which are large factors in today's deadly crashes between motor vehicles in not only the United States, but the whole world. A major issue that can happen and cause possible thousands of deaths is due to hacking the trucks software. Since the trucks are no longer controlled by a human and its main brain is a software system, which could be an easy target for terrorist attacks or just someone trying to hurt people. Although there is a slim chance of a harmful attack on these trucks technology, it would greatly impact the economy by reducing the price of products and goods. All products that are transported through trucks across the US would be less expensive due to the trucks being able to work during night time, burn less fuel, less rest stops, and less labor costs. The self driving trucks not only reduce the price for both the citizens and the companies, but it’ll reduce traffic on highway with it’s feature that removes human errors which are the major causes of traffic jams. The self driving truck will enhance the America’s technology by influencing more companies to create …show more content…

These sensors and lasers view the trucks surroundings to get information like road widths, surrounding cars, objects on roads, or information that will keep the truck between the lines and safe from anything at all times. By receiving information on surroundings the trucks are also able to prevent deadly crashes between two motor vehicles, and with these sensors input surrounding objects and conditions to create an output which is a message sent to the actuators, which is the brain of the control system like acceleration, braking, and steering, and inform them to slow down, speed up, turn etc. The sensors are also programmed to tell the difference between objects like a bicycle and a motorcycle.This machinery uses maps / navigation systems like google maps to navigate, and to show a 3- dimensional map on the screen for advanced navigation and security. Although the navigation is a very accurate thing on the trucks and cars it can still go through issues due to road work, closed roads, and the construction of new roads that the navigation systems like google maps has yet to have updated those new roads. Another issue which could occur is a malfunction of the actuators, or just the entire technology, that could cause a deadly crash that could

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