Self-Discipline: A Civil Virtue

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Self-Discipline: A Civil Virtue


As stated by Arthur Combs “ If our democratic society is to function effectively, it requires self-disciplined, caring citizens who are willing to pull their own weight and contribute to their own and their community’s welfare. People learn self-discipline in the process of growing up.” (Combs 260-263) If humans did not practice self-discipline our society would certainly not be what it is today. Just about everyone knows what self-discipline is but the act of doing it can be a little tricky at times.

How To Promote Self-Discipline

According to Merriam-Webster, Self-discipline is the “correction or regulation of oneself for the sake of improvement.” (Webster) Individuals perceive themselves and others by watching others through a learning experience. In order to build a society with self-discipline, individuals must practice “Invitational discipline.” There are four key elements to the practice of “invitational discipline” and those are respect, optimism, intentionality, and trust. (Purkey 256-259)


Arthur Combs states, “They learn it (Self-discipline) from the ways they are treated by the important people in their lives. (Combs 260-263) One must have a deep appreciation for the complexities and uniqueness of others. Appreciation can be found by behaviors of civility and common courtesy. (Purkey 256-59) “Civility is complex. Civility is good. Civility belongs in the realism of ethics. Whatever civility might be, it has to do with courtesy, politeness, and good manners” P.M. Forni used those last four points to help right her book “Choosing Civility.” (9) Civility is being aware of others. Considering others before ones self is a civil virtue. (Forni 9) Respec...

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... pull their own weight and contribute to their community’s welfare along with their own will cause the society to function correctly and effectively. (Combs 260-263)

Works Cited

Combs, Author. "Achieving Self-Discipline: Some Basic Principles." Taylor & Francis, LTD 24.4 (1985): 260-263. JSTOR. Database. 24 Mar 2014.

Rogus, Joseph. "Promoting Self-Discipline: A Comprehensive Approach." Taylor & Francis, LTD 24.4 (1985): 271-276. JSTOR. Database. 24 Mar 2014.

Forni, Pier Massimo. Choosing Civility: The Twenty-five Rules of Considerate Conduct. New York: St. Martin's, 2002. Print.

"Self-discipline." Merriam-Webster, n.d. Web. 27 Mar. 2014. .

Purkey, William. "Inviting Student Self-Discipline." Taylor & Francis, LTD 24.4 (1985): 256-259. JSTOR. Database. 24 Mar 2014.

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