See You Later By Henry Kuttner

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One important question that is raised by “See You Later” by Henry Kutner is, “Why is violence and death taken so light-heartedly?” As soon as Yancey heard of the death of his eight boys, “Yancey started to cackle. Finally, when he’ got. his breath back, he said, ‘Not them! Them varmints have gone plumb smack to perdition, right where,they belong. How’d it happen?’” (Kuttner p. 160). As seen by Yancey’s reaction, it did not seem as if the death of his eight sons mattered. The reason why this may have happened may be because of the tone that the whole story is written in. Kuttner injects amusing moments in the story to diffuse the tension. For example, Yancey clearly poses a threat to the whole world. Rather than coming up with a more sensible

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