Same Sex Marriage Essay

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One major political issue that many United States citizens are struggling with is getting a law passed across the US that would allow the same-sex marriage law in every state. Even though same-sex relationships have been going on for a very long time, there are some people who support these relationships and some people who do not. The biggest issue with same-sex relationships is the marriage part because some people do not believe that the commitment they are going to be put into by law is a marriage. This is because when defining the word marriage it means that only a legal union between one man and one woman as husband and wife, and the word spouse refers only to a person of the opposite sex who is a husband or a wife (Gacek.) This also means that in a marriage there will be sexual relations, companionship and friendship, conversation, procreation and child-rearing, mutual responsibility and love. According to Christopher Gacek, Before the Constitutional Convention in 1787, relations between the states were not ideal, so as a way to reduce the tension, the new constitution made a provision, the Full Faith and Credit Clause, which states that Full Faith and Credit shall be given in each State to the public Acts, Records, and judicial proceedings of every other state, therefore the Congress may by general Laws prescribe the manner in which such acts, records and proceedings shall be proved, and the effect (Article IV, sec. 1) This clause had an impact on the defense of marriage act, because in 1996 the act to help defend one-man and one-women marriages from the efforts people were taking to redefine it. The U.S. Congress and President Bill Clinton passed the Defense of Marriage Act this law defined marriage as a federal law an...

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... position on the same-sex marriage law and how I support it, and that I want my support to noted. I could also volunteer at a gay rights organization, get my friends involved that have the same views. Register to vote and sign petitions. Interest groups are one ways to get the government involved in there issue, interest groups main goals are to get national majority for marriage, win the freedom to marry in more states, and to put a end to federal marriage discrimination. When using media it is great way to get people to see you point of view on the subject, you would be able to get others out to vote, send a letter or join a interest group to support same-sex marriage. Media can also allow you to give feedback to your government. Under the Fourteenth Amendment, the government may not "deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws

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