Sacred Place Essay

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The word sacred has a variety of different meaning to different people depending on what context “sacred” is used. So for definition purposes according to the Oxford English Dictionary (2013) sacred is “Regarded with a great respect and reverence by a particular religion, group or individual” this is just one of the example of the definition as it hold many more but this one incorporates the meaning of a sacred place or space. Sacred Places are found in different countries and cultures, past and present. Such places are marked or embellished by architectural structures and art, therefor having the ability to appeal to a multitude of different people, but still being sacred to each individual person or group in its own specific way. The question is how much of a places sacredness or character is directly linked to the human activity that the place attracts Sacred spaces may take many forms from natural landscape features such as mountains and springs to human constructions including stone circles and burial mounds, temples, and cathedrals. A sacred place may be an altar or shrine within the home. Whilst some, such as churches may be almost universally acknowledged as sacred, others such as prehistoric structures or holy wells may only be acknowledged by a minority, or even an individual. Each of these sites are just as sacred to the individual. What actually makes something sacred is a contentious issue. For historian of religion, Mircea Eliade who offers a religious explanation, there is an absolute reality, which transcends the mundane world leading to some places being intrinsically sacred. “the sacred, which transcends this world but manifests itself in this world, thereby sanctifying it and making it real” (Elaide. M, AA100 T... ... middle of paper ... ...son but for whatever reason that individual site still holds something of a significance to the individuals that are attracted to it. There are obviously places like Glastonbury that attract human activity on a high level for a multitude of reasons, and although without the human activity the site would still be considered sacred, the human activity it attracts does contribute the its character. The diversity of the individuals and groups, bring individuals from all over the world visiting it out of curiosity and life experience with the hope that it may offer them something more. With Blackpool as old traditions are no longer specifically practised there it has become a place where individuals still make annual trips there in order to swim in the sea maybe not for the same reasons, but it it could still be s form of celebration and expression to the individuals.

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