Sabin's Article: Why Animal Testing Is Not Wrong?

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Medical sciences are required to keep us healthy when there are diseases spreading and animal testing is a key part of this research. Animal test is not wrong because it is the only way to keep ahead in the arms race against disease. Disease keep changing and evolving so scientist must keep researching and making stronger, more potent medicines to combat them. Thus we must use living creatures as test subject for the medicines. Experimenting on animals sounds cruel and it is, but the threat of disease out ways the cruelty that is inflicted on the animals. In part, humans are to blame for this situation. In Sabin’s article Animal Research Saves Human Lives she says, “Advanced sanitation was responsible in part for the dramatic rise in number …show more content…

So it’s understandable when people like Peggy Carlson say that animal testing is wrong and that we should not use it. In her article Carlson says, “In the case of the polio vaccine, misleading animal experiments detoured scientists away from reliable clinical studies thereby, according to Dr. Sabin himself, delay the initial work on polio prevention” (Page 160) Something that Carlson has to understand is that animal testing is not the perfect solution, but it is required. There will be mistakes but it is the right course of action.
Scientist are looking for alternatives to animal testing but there are simply no better alternatives available to them right now. Human testing is not even considered as an option. Giving up on using animal testing is also not an option because the human race would be all but eradicated by the pathogens it has created. The closest thing we have to a better alternative is stem cells. Once stem cell research has progressed to the point in which scientists can use it produce medicines to fight diseases, it will no doubt be used over animal testing.
Animal testing is not going to stop because humans the results of it. What can be done to lessen the amount of animal testing done is to put more research into stem cells. With more breakthroughs in stem cell research, scientists can create useable organs to discover cures. Until these breakthroughs are accomplished, animal testing is the best choice the human race has to survive its own

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