SIOP Lesson Plan

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The two lesson plans evaluated for this assignment are SIOP Lesson Plan Kindergarten by Theresa Nichols Hoffman-Boston Elementary School, Arlington, VA with topic: Basic needs of living things Length of Lesson: Two 40-minute class periods and SIOP Lesson Plan Grades 9 – 12 – ESL/ELA by Marybelle Marrero-Colón Professional Development Specialist, Center for Applied Linguistics with topic: Introduction to Critical Lens Essay Length of Lesson: Two 45-minute class periods. In SIOP Kindergarten Lesson Plan by Theresa Nichols Hoffman of Boston Elementary School, Arlington, VA, the lesson will be on basic needs of living things, which will take two 40-minute class periods (Retrieved from In this lesson plan, there is sufficient integration of SEI strategies being performed. For example, the lesson plan starts with identifying CCSS standards and continues with the following SIOP strategies: lesson …show more content…

Lesson plans are very well organized including visuals for the materials being illustrated. Academic vocabulary is addressed in many ways. For example, key concept and vocabulary words will be introduced to the students at start of lesson using building background. Students will be provided a hard copy of anticipation guide and words will be displayed on the Smart Board, too. Students will be provided with

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