Role Of Honesty In The Odyssey

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When people think of high schoolers, their first thoughts are not ‘heroes’ and more like ‘annoying, needy, rude children who assume they’re adults’, but there’s where they’re wrong. An average high schooler is more of a hero than Superman or Batman by a long shot. In The Odyssey, Odysseus and the people around him show an abounding amount of “heroic” traits, such as bravery, patience, honesty, being supportive, and compassion. Sound familiar? An average high schooler shares those same traits, therefore making them heroes too. Bravery can be critical in a high school environment, what would else could someone use when standing up to a bully or asking an attractive person on a date? It’s the start of freshman year, the scariest moment of anyone’s high school career. The first thought that comes to a person’s mind as they’re standing in front of the large, glass doors of the school is ‘I’m going to die’. Bravery plays a colossal part in the everyday life of a freshman, or anyone really, but most importantly, Odysseus. In The …show more content…

When Odysseus went down into the underworld and spoke to his mother, she was brutally honest about everything that was happening in Ithaca and how she died of his being gone, breaking his heart, but still being honest. In The Odyssey, there aren’t many cases of consistent honesty, but everyone can tell the truth here and there. Odysseus is unfaithful while he’s missing, never telling Penelope, but she’s an honest woman when it comes to Odysseus, and tells him the complete truth of what all happened while he was gone. Penelope had done some bad things, but she owned up to it, making her a brave and honest woman. High schoolers can be honest, though most times they’re not, when the time comes and they absolutely need to tell the whole truth. Many young girls spread rumors about others, making them dishonest and

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