Robert E Lee Hill Research Paper

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It was summertime when one of the bloodiest battles in United States history was fought. The year was 1863. The battle took place in Gettysburg, PA. July 1, 1863 was cloudy, a foreshadowing of what was to come. The northern Yankees and Southern Confederates were swiftly battling. The opposing sides were bitterly fighting over slavery. The conflict came to a climax on the fields of Gettysburg. Impressive Generals were at command for both sides. The North had Ulysses S. Grant, and the South had Robert E. Lee. One of Lee’s most trusted general’s was a 37 year old man named Ambrose Powell Hill. Perhaps Lee’s trust was misplaced in Hill. Ambrose Hill aspired to greatness, and hoped his performance at the Battle of Gettysburg would enhance his reputation as a general; however, Hill struggled to perform well. …show more content…

Hill and Jackson seldom saw eye to eye. In August, at the Battle of Cedar Mountain, Hill launched a counterattack preventing the Confederates from getting “routed.” Three weeks later, at the Second Battle of Bull Run, Hill held a railroad cut against repeated Union attacks. Hill argues with Jackson over Jackson’s marching orders to Hill. In Antietam Hill performed very well. He and his Light Division helped General Lee not be defeated by Major Burnside. Lee and his men marched quickly to the battlefield and neutralized the threat. At the Battle of Fredericksburg in Dec. 1862, Hill positioned his men on a ridge, but there was a swampy area in front of him and dense vegetation around him. Hill was criticized for allowing himself to get into this position of bad terrain. This difficult terrain cost Hill over 2,000 soldiers and one good commander. Hill was rebuked for not doing something to correct the situation he put his men in. There was no record of where Hill was during the battle; could Hill have been ill

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