Richard M. Nixon: The Legacy Of Richard Nixon

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The legacy of our 36th president, Richard M. Nixon, whom was in office during 1969 to 1974 left a legacy that was mixed for the good and bad. Known as one of America’s most corrupt presidents and only remembered for one his greatest scandal, the Watergate Scandal. Nixon had numerous accomplishments, particularly in foreign affairs. His tactful solid vicious campaign made many believed Nixon to be an intelligent individual, which he was. “During his nearly six years in office, Nixon made improvements overtures to both China and the Soviet Union” (Roberts 51) Despite the accomplishments, Nixon was stained indelibly stained by his scandals. While covering up his scandals, Nixon was under the threat of impeachment, instead of facing the embarrassment he decided to resign. Born on January 9, 1913, in Yorba, Linda, California was Richard Milhous Nixon. He lived on a lemon ranch owned by his parents Francis Anthony Nixon and Hannah Milhous Nixon. Richard has four other siblings; he was the second of the five brothers. The Nixon family experienced financial hardships and death of his two beloved brothers. The family moved to Whittier, California, there they had a grocery store and a gas station, which all the Nixon family worked in to make ends meet. Nixon spent his three years at Duke’s University law school, he graduated in 1937. He met Thelma Catherine “Pat” Ryan in 1938, Nixon was smitten by her and pursued her, soon enough they married on June 21, 1940. In 1942, the Nixon family moved to Washington, D.C., where Nixon got the opportunity to join the Office of Price Administration. He quickly left to join the Navy in 1942. After his discharge, his political ambition rekindled when Republicans in California where in search for a con... ... middle of paper ... ...ded. He wanted educational reforms to teach about him and how he was helping our nation and the rest of the world. He quickly lost respect and support from the people, the civilians quickly wanted to remove him from office as power got to his head. Another president whom fell into the depths of corruption. Our political system has always been incorporated with corruption; it is functional to the system. The system’s flawed manner is to reproduce itself. Corruption has plagued society. It is the torment of the people, the land weeping, and the disorder of society. These three political leaders started off with accomplishments that were great and benefited our nation. But all three were overshadowed by their mistakes and scandals. This in fact has led to my conclusion that history does not repeat itself but instead counterpart each other that each led to suffering.

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