Richard Louv's Last Child In The Woods

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In the past, people did not rely on technology and were not knowledgeable of the virtual world. The passage, Last Child in the Woods, by Richard Louv, he discusses how society during this early age tend to focus on technology moving one apart, this includes both children and parents. Parents use it as a solution to keep their children to remain calm, or in other words, a distraction disconnecting them from nature. Richard Louv develops his argument about the separation between people and nature through the utilization of contrasting idea, anecdotes, and imagery.
Richard Louv describes differences by the contrasting children from past and the present. In the nineteenth century, children found ways to entertain themselves. They did not have any …show more content…

Advertisement of devices including backseat television inside of vehicles which was gaining popularity and the salesman believed many parents would purchase it because children would be controlled without causing any disturbance. Louv states, “The salesman jaw dropped when I said I didn't want a backseat television monitor for my daughter...he almost refused to let me leave the dealership until he could understand why...The children can watch Sesame Street or play Grand Theft Auto on their PlayStation without bothering the driver.” (Lines 29-42). Parents usually purchase a car because it has backseat television which keeps their children calm and do not know the consequences it can have especially since they are moving closer towards the virtual world. Salesman was confused because this generation is all about technology. He did not understand the statement of why most people claim they want their kids to watch less television but are being provided these “multimedia entertainment products.” Many people are focusing on inapplicable devices and becoming inattentive of their …show more content…

It was employed to describe the evoking statement, “...we used our fingers to draw on fogged glass as we watched telephone poles tick by. We saw birds on the wire and combines on the fields…we counted cows and horses and coyotes...” (Lines 62-67). The audience receives a imaginative past of children who were not provided with any technological devices. Separation of humanity and nature is unnatural and a solution is needed to resolve the consequences. A perspective was shown to the audience in order for them to have a imaginative glimpse of the old century. Louv, wants the audience to realize that this experience may become lost for children. They have time to spend their childhood outdoors rather than being on a device that is not needed at such a young age. His intention had helped the audience understand the simple yet confounding separation that was being inferred

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