Rich Girl Poor Girl

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One day a 13 year old girl named Abigail was working as always trying to sell roses that she had picked and took out the thorns bare handed. She had a very good day so far she sold 20 flowers to a girl her age for $10.00. Then the girl gave her a $0.50 tip for not begging on the street for people to just hand them money. The $10.50 would buy her 2 dinners a breakfast and some cheap gloves. After everyone was gone she went over to the dollar store and bought some new gloves, and she jumped for joy when she put them, she decided to get a head started and pick a bunch of roses and plucked the thorns out that night instead of tomorrow.
After she got all the thorns out she placed them in water and ate her dinner of sour milk and 2 slices of bread. Then she went to bed she slept and dreamed of money and roses. When she awoke a little table was standing next to her and it had oatmeal, a gallon of fresh milk, eggs, toast, and new clothes. Abigail pinched herself; it hurt so she wasn’t dreaming. Abigail jumped up and ate like there was no tomorrow. When she finished she put on her clothes and counted an extra $5.00 in her money.
Abigail grabbed her basket and skipped out to the train station. The conductor wasn’t there yet; when he got there he bought 2 flowers and people with early morning meetings bought a few flowers too.

Chapter 2:
Madison’s life
Madison Watts was at her private school for rich kids as always it was called “Mary’s school for the rich” They were doing business that is a class where kids can start their own business. Madison wanted to run an orphanage but her teacher told her to pick another one. So she decided to own a day care.

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... Madi said as she left Abi followed her.
Madi paid him $3,000.00 and they moved in there was already Furniture so they all picked their own beds and went right to bed.
In the morning Ginger made breakfast and everyone sat together at the table then everyone went out to find a job Madi and Abi stayed home they would babysit and have a daycare.
At the end of the day everyone had a job and Abigail was writing a book and had a book writing camp. So you think everyone lived happily ever after not every was though Madison became the first woman president and Abigail is
Vic president and now Mrs. and Mr. Watts have less money than ever because they used it all up on themselves and Madison didn’t let them use her business money anymore so now they have to work elsewhere and Madison and Abigail lived happily ever after, richer than ever.

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