Rhetorical Analysis On Pope Francis

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For my outside enrichment I decided to watch the message Pope Francis delivered to the United States Congress. In his memorable speech, Pope Francis speaks powerfully about topics ranging from the refugee crisis, the death penalty, and the arms trade. In our society, we are thought to treat religion and politics as two completely separate entities, but Pope Francis overcomes that nonsensible topic and exemplifies politics as source of unification, similar to the purpose of religion. One topic that he mentioned was the refugee crisis in the wake of radical extremism. Should America accept Syrian and Iraqi refugees? Pope Francis makes it clear that not all these refugees are members of Islamic extremism, and that the US should listen to their …show more content…

He is exemplifying what it takes to be a virtuous person and if we follow these types of beliefs then the world we live in would be a much safer, and happier place. From this speech, I learned that when the Pope speaks about morality that his words are, in fact, infallible. Everything he said was unarguably the truth. From this experience, I felt that the Pope was an exemplification of the closest human being to God. Everything he said gave me the same feeling that I get when I read the bible, except this happened in reality instead of my imagination while reading the bible, which magnifies the intensity for my love of God even more. I would love to learn more about Pope Francis’s views on everything. He demonstrates what it is like to be a virtuous person and as Aristotle has said “The virtuous life is the best life.” By being as virtuous as Pope Francis, I believe that is what makes us, as humans, the most happiest. Pope Francis does not present God in a direct manner. He only mentions the word “God” once in his whole speech and that is when he says “God Bless America” to end his speech. However, when Pope Francis describes his views on all these major topics he is exemplifying the actions that God would deem

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