Rhetorical Analysis Of Just Walk On By

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In the essay, “Just walk on By,” Staples speaks of the struggle he and black men go through with society and their stereotypical view of black men. The way the minds of individuals were shaped are seen in this essay. Staples elaborates when speaking of his own experience as a writer, sympathy and stereotypes are Staples main argument; he makes individuals aware of the struggles black men endure due to stereotypes and the way they are portrayed in them. Strong diction allows Staples to emphasizes on the tension between white and black races. Diction such as, “victim,” “stalking,” and “the ability to alter public space in ugly ways,” show how individuals were shaped to perceive those with darker skin tones, the black race. These words explore the intensity of situations inter-racial individuals encounter. “I was …show more content…

The audience understands how difficult it must be to be carrying on with your day, minding your own business and suddenly be seen as a mugger. As an individual who could possibly hurt another soul. He was not disappointed in himself, nor the woman, but rather society and its incorrect assumptions of black men. Making the audience feel concern toward him, the audience considers his perspective on the issue. “Yet these truths are no solace against the kind of alienation that comes of being ever the suspect.” Women constantly being victims is a truth, women being seen as weak are the reason they are normally attacked; on the other hand, what is not true and overrepresented is the violence that come with black men. Even the knowledge that women are constantly easy preys, does not comfort Staples; there is no comfort because black men are also victims, victims of being wrongly accused for acts that few committed. When he encountered a woman on the street he demonstrated her

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