Rhetorical Analysis Of Dr. Martin Luther King's Speech

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Our nation has overcome some of it’s biggest barriers because of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Dr. King fought for the freedom of African American’s. Sadly, it cost him his life in the process. What is freedom? “Freedom is the state of being free or at liberty rather than in confinement or under physical restraint” (). Dr. King’s speech is still talked about today because it was such an historical event that took place here in the United States. His speech changed a lot of lives and it continues to change lives. Dr. King gave his speech with confidence. Dr. King intended to create change for the African American people. Dr. Martin Luther King had a dream that would change the way a lot of people seen the world. His speech was motivational and he inspired a lot of people. Dr. King’s main point was addressing the issue of freedom and that everyone should be treated as equals. Dr. King had a specific audience when he arrived to give his …show more content…

This speech was chosen because it is one of the most inspirational speeches of all time. Dr. King’s speech has made it in national history books. After reading the speech, it was noted that the title’s font was bigger and colorful. The colors that were chosen were red, white, and blue. These colors were chosen because it represents the colors of the United States flag. There was a picture of Dr. King present as well. This was done to put a face to the presenter of the speech. Dr. King chose to speak on this issue because he was African American. He wanted to make a better life for his people. Of course, there were some constraints because there are always some people that do not support what he had to say. Dr. King wasn’t trying to make the speech interesting, he was trying to get his point across so he and his people could gain their freedom. Dr. King said the most inspiring words at the end of the speech, “Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!” (King, 1963, p.

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