Rhetorical Analysis Of Dr. Martin Luther King's Narrow Jail Letter

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Confined to a “narrow jail cell” (9), King admits to writing a rather long letter. With this letter he attempts to appeal to his audience’s logic with reason and ridicule. He explains the reasons to justify his actions and move them to realize that his efforts for equality were in fact peaceful and it was in fact the law and those who enforce it that were in the wrong.
King tries to reason with his audience to make them realize that what they are doing is morally wrong even though at the time it may have been legally allowed.”Any law that uplifts human personality is just. Any law that degrades human personality is unjust” (3). He demonstrated how the laws that were in place at that moment affected in multiple levels the African Americans, …show more content…

At one point, he mentions how he feels more and more that “the people of ill will have used time much more effectively than have the people of good will”(5), meaning those who continue to oppress the African Americans have used their time to their own advantage, not for good, but instead, for their own selfish benefit. Meanwhile, those who fight for equality have spent hours, days, even years, but no results. King even goes to mention Adolf Hitler and everything he did in Germany which was seen as “legal” but yet what “Hungarian freedom fighters did in Hungary was ‘illegal’” (4). The ridicule of that is how much damage and hurt he caused to Jews because of the hate he had towards them and it being seen as “correct” yet others who were trying to achieve something for themselves were seen as doing an illegal act. Also, the example of old people and children getting beat, “if you were to watch them push and curse old Negro women and young Negro girls; if you were to see them slap and kick old Negro men and young boys…”(8). He felt the need to show how ridiculous colored men, women, and children are treated by policemen to show that they’re not what they make themselves out to be. They get mistreated by the same people that get commended by others for having everything in

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