Revolutionary United Front Essay

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Interestingly, the United Nations Children Fund created a broader definition when it came to child soldiers; where as, the Cape Town Principles defined a narrower version of child soldiers. This stems from the fact that the Cape Town Principles was applicable in regional areas within Africa and had no international capabilities. Policy makers are able to create a narrowed version of the United Nations definition; whereas, the United Nations needs to abide by one definition and make sure that it was and continues to be applicable in most instances of child soldiers (Poulatova, 2013). Even though the two definitions are distinctly different, they can both be applied to a varying degree of children fighting in armed conflict.
The Sierra Leonean Civil War
On March 23, 1991, the Revolutionary United Front (RUF) invaded Sierra Leone entering the …show more content…

Soldiers within the Revolutionary United Front (RUF) were comparably much harsher and were associated with the tactical use of violence. “The Revolutionary United Front (RUF), a rebel group operating in Sierra Leone from 1991 to 2002, was notorious for raping and mutilating the civilian population” (Poulatova, 2013, 2). The role of children within the Revolutionary United Front (RUF), were extremely exceedingly different from the role of children of the Civil Defense Force (CDF). “In the RUF, child fighters were often on the front lines as a kind of human shield or first line of defense” (Shepler, 2014, 165). Often times, leaders put children on the front lines not only making them human shields, but also a mechanism to kill the enemy. They were used to undermine the enemies in the chance that the opposing side hesitated in killing a child (Shepler, 2014). This was a tactical strategy used by the leaders, which often times resulted in the large-scale death of children because they were placed on the front lines as human

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