Research Paper On Xbox

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Xbox is a gaming trademark that is owned and created by Microsoft. It was launched by Bill Gates on March 10th 2000. Xbox has since become one of the most successful gaming brands in the world, having sold more than 94 million consoles worldwide. Over the years Xbox has started to provide other services in order to give their customers the best possible gaming experiences, such as Xbox Live (online gaming), controllers and chairs that react to give you a realistic environment (vibrations, sound), background music and lots more.
The aim of this report is to investigate the competition Xbox faces from PlayStation and how Xbox could increase their customer base. This is important as in order to remain one of the market leaders especially in the technology industry which is always rapidly growing and evolving, you need to have a strong customer base …show more content…

I used a survey as this way I could ask about the specific topics I needed feedback on. I wanted to know which features of the Xbox people liked and which features of the PlayStation they liked, and if there was anything that Xbox could improve on, as then I could determine how Xbox can increase their customer base and better compete with PlayStation.
Also carrying out a survey myself meant that the information I was collecting was up to date and reliable, as I gave it out myself a week prior to writing my report and only asked those who were aware of the features of gaming and could give insightful feedback and their preferences. However, a disadvantage of using this survey was that it took a lot of time to carry out and convert the data into graphs and statistics. Another disadvantage was that some people could be biased towards their preferred consoles and may not rate the other fairly and give valid

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