Research Paper On Alberto Moravia

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Expository Essay: Alberto Moravia Alberto Moravia is an author who was introduced to me in my English class, during the unit I’m writing this paper for. I got to read his story “Poor Fish”, which was an excellent story, one that I could relate with on many levels and was very inspiring. I wish to explain some things about Alberto Moravia, including his life story, works that he has written, and how the stories he has written have affected people. Alberto Moravia (1907-1990) was born on November 28, 1907, in Rome. He was the son of a well-to-do architect. He was actually born with the name Alberto Pincherle, Alberto Moravia is his pen name. He was actually born with the name Alberto Pincherle, Alberto Moravia is his pen name. When he was nine, he caught osteomyelitis and was in a hospital until 1925, when he was 18. While in the hospital, he studied French, English, and German, became an avid reader, and began writing. His first novel, Gli Indifferenti was published in 1926 after he got out of the hospital. …show more content…

They include Gli Indifferent (1926) which is a story two days in the life in a Roman family. There is Le ambizioni sbagliate (1935), a long story with the same story structure as Gli Indifferenti. Then L’imbroglio (1937), a collection of five different stories. Alberto next wrote La mascherata in 1941, a story that is similar and contains themes found in I sogni del pigro (1940) and L'epidemia (1944). Alberto Moravia has written many more stories than mentioned here! If I were to list all of them there might end up being a page of nothing but italicized titles and parentheses with years in

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