Reporting Party Case Study

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Reporting party (RP) received a call from a "whistle blower", Regina Horn, who stated that she is a former employee of this facility. Ms. Horn reported that the administrator has been verbally and physically abusing the 3 residents that reside in the home: Brandy Venn (DOB: 08/02/81), Kristal Murphy (DOB: 05/03/95) and Ashton Murphy (07/31/93). Ms. Horn stated that the administrator yells at the residents and even uses a belt to hit them. Ms. Horn stated that she worked at the facility for 3 months until 07/19/17 because she could not take it anymore. It was reported by Ms. Horn to RP that she is really not employed at the home since she was only getting paid cash. RP asked Ms. Horn why she was not hired as an employee and Ms. Horn mentioned

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