Relational Bullying Introduction

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Each day hundreds of thousands of children dread going to school and facing the taunt, peers, and humiliation wrought by bullies. When we think of bullying the easy identifiable physical and verbal harassment comes to mind, including teasing, taunting, threatening, and hitting. Relational bullying is more difficult for adults to observe and identify. Children who bully through different ways like social media, during school, or any other place tell the victims to kill themselves, move school, not worth it, dumb, ugly,fat,skinny, ugly,and not cool enough. Kids that are bullied can experience negative thinking,not being able to focus in school, and mental health issues.Kids who are bullied are more likely to get depress, increasing of sadness and loneliness, changes in sleep and eating habits, and also might loss interest in activities that they used to enjoy.They are more likely to skip classes or drop out of school. The risk of being bullied is being overweight or underweight, wearing glasses or different clothing being new to a school or being unable to afford what kids consider cool now …show more content…

Avoid the bullies as much as you can and they'll probably stop because they might think it's not affecting you.Gather friends that are going to support you they can help you by telling them what's happening to you and they'll make sure to stick by them in any threatening situation. If you know when the bully is most likely to approach you whether it's in the halls or on your walk home, make sure you're not alone, but walking with at least one or two friends.Tell an adult or authority many people are scared to tell adults, teachers, or an other authority about bullying because they think it makes them look like a wimp and that it can make the bully more angry.But you have to do what it takes to avoid getting

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