Reflective Paper Disability Simulation

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Reflective Paper Disability Simulation. I always wondered what life would be like if I couldn’t see, or do the things I take for granted like drive a car, climb a mountain, hug my kids, tie my shoe, or even wipe my own butt. I remember, as a child, thinking what if I never got to hear my favorite song. In class, I was given the opportunity to see what it’s like to walk in the shoes of someone with a learning disability, and see firsthand what they go through on a daily basis.
1. There were several disability simulations that students were allowed to do. A couple of these simulations showed us what it would be like if we couldn’t see or hear. I’m not sure about the other ones because I was too slow and only made it through two of them. But to me, it was a testament to the struggles people with learning disabilities go through day to day. When I put the mirrored …show more content…

I had a friend in middle school who, I think, had Dyslexia. I don’t remember too much about it, but I remember him struggling in school, and he was very hyper. We hung out a few times outside of school, and he seemed like a normal teenager and he was. I can say that I didn’t pay too much attention to his Dyslexia, but I do remember how good he could draw. Given another opportunity, I don’t think I would treat him that much different. I would want to know more about his situation, maybe I would ask him what it’s like. I would be more aware and, searching for the right word, I want to say empathetic. I would pay more attention.
3. Some of the adaptations that I would do for my students with disabilities, would be: have high expectations of them, sit them in the front of the class, design special curriculum to fit their needs, make things as comfortable as I could, set goals, laugh and have fun. I would expect all my students to participate, and cues learned from F.A.T. such as giving students time to answer a question when asked. I will give praise for jobs well done and encouragement to keep

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