Reflection To Teaching Mathematics In An Elementary Classroom

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Coming into the teaching profession not knowing a lot, I was able to use previous experience from previous teachers to understand how important it is to understand whether or not students really understand the subject being taught. Having a passion to teacher also improves how much work teachers have to put into to make sure students understand. Growing up, I had the opportunity to experience what it was like to have a teacher was passionate about mathematics. This particular opportunity showed me how much effect he was able to put on his students performance, but most importantly how much effort he had to put into things to see a change in his students work. New feelings about Mathematics Throughout out this semester, I’ve had the opportunity to gain a better understanding when it comes to teaching Mathematics in the classroom. During the course of this semester, EDEL 440 has showed my classmates and myself the appropriate ways mathematics can be taught in an elementary classroom and how the students in the classroom may retrieve the information. During my years of school, mathematics has been my favorite subject. Over the years, math has challenged me on so many different levels. Having the opportunity to see the appropriate ways math should be taught in an Elementary classroom has giving me a …show more content…

Being a person that started off loving mathematics and experiencing different things I can say my beliefs have changed, but are back to where they began. I believe when it is time to teach mathematics this specific subject is going to have students on their toes ready to learn. As stated in my previous autobiography, “mathematics serves as a good subject for people to understand because it is something that follows you after school”, this particular statement serves as true because numbers and operations are real world things that humans

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