Reflection Of Psychology: The Cognitive Development Theory And Psychology

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Psychology is simply who we are, how we think, and is composed of several different ideas and theories. After studying just a few of these theories this semester, one that strongly stood out to me was the cognitive development theory. The cognitive development theory refers to the steps and procedures in which we as humans have or will overcome to develop ourselves as we grow older. I find this theory so important because it refers strongly to how each and every single person in the human race have developed their own knowledge and how this can result in how an individual can play a role in society based on their experiences. There are several parts that make up the cognitive development theory and the first of which being assimilation. …show more content…

The development milestones consist of four stages in life in which we grow and learn as humans. First, there is the sensorimotor stage which occurs from age zero to age two where the child now understands how his or her actions can affect the environment around them. Second, comes the preoperational stage which involves children from the ages of two to seven where the child now thinks symbolically about the objects around them. Third, is the concrete operational stage which occurs in children between the ages of seven and eleven where the child can now deal with general core education problems such as math. Finally, there is the formal operational stage which occurs in children who are eleven years of age and older where these children are now becoming adolescents and adults and they now have the mental capacity to think absolutely and critically. We can clearly observe these steps in everyday life simply by observing children in their environment and noting how each and every child react to their …show more content…

Zone of proximal development basically refers to the skills in which children can do only if they are under the guidance of an adult. For example, if a task is too difficult or dangerous for a child to perform then the assistance of a parent or teach can make that task possible for the child. Object permanence is also another important concept which states the child knows an object is still in existence even if another person hides it behind their back for example. Next there is conservation which says that just because the appearance changes, the amount and quantity does not change. This concept has been shown through children as researchers will place objects, such as playing cards, in front of children then reorganize the object and the child is able to observe that there are the same number of objects as there were before. Also there is the concept of scaffolding. Scaffolding goes back to a teacher or parent assisting a child in which case the adult matches guidance to what the student needs. This can be seen in schools where a teacher will explain a problem-solving process then will step back in order for the child to conquer this problem on their own. The cognitive development theory plays a huge role in the human life showing step by step how we develop

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