Reflection Essay on My Online Writing Class

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When I started this program, I was worried I would not be able to do an online course. This is the first online college course that I’ve ever taken. On top of this course, I have been taking five other classes and have been very involved in other activities. However, I’ve worked hard to keep up and improve my writing skills. Every day that I’m able to use a computer, I sign into Moodle. When I’m not around a computer, I work on the paper or assignments that are due for that day.

In this paper, I will review my first paper in this course compared to the writing skills I have established now. The first paper I wrote in this course was a reflection paper. The reflection paper was on the topic of American culture. The paper discusses current pop culture, family constructs and technology in America today. It feels as though I wrote that paper yesterday, but I feel my writing has greatly improved since then.

My main problem with writing is punctuation. This is emphasized by the corrections made on the first paper I wrote. The majority of the problems focused around fragments and comma...

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