Reflection About Prostitution

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In many cases society has tried to tell you that prostitution is bad, weather it is through movies, books, religious text and many other influential aspects of society, due to the nature of the people who they portray in the act. I believe if people were properly educated into the science of sex, having sex for money would not be considered such a bad thing. When I attended prep school, I met many other kids from Europe, and let’s sat they were a little more comfortable with their sexuality, and in a few of their countries prostitution was even legal. I can remember one day a friend of mine from Russia showed me a website where you could go online a pick out a person you desire to have sex with. The way the website was laid out almost reminded …show more content…

If this is going to be acceptable, how much different from prostitution is it. I mean your having sex with another women, but not physically, just mentality, although your brain is being tricked into thinking it is a physical act. If we would create this environment organically, with two people, or more, why would it be considered wrong, if virtual reality is ok? Through this course and my personal experiences, I was able to trace back to my original beliefs of prostitution. Through this course I was able to change my entire view point of view of prostitution, due to the nature of sex, and the understanding of the diverse cultures around the world. To me, prostitution should be considered normal, and accepted throughout our own society. Men and women crave sex, sometimes not just with one person, if we were able to make a safe environment for those who wish to pay for sex, I believe we would not only be more connected to the nature of ourselves, but a better …show more content…

To have sex with another person other then your partner can be considered adultery and immoral. To me this is wrong, if both partners have each others consent, I don’t see why choosing have an open relationship should hold any kind of social stigma. Both couples are acting about their own natural instincts, and found away to do so that will keep their relationship together. Basically, they eliminated the aspects of cheating from their relationship, which is considered a major reason why couples break up. In my opinion, If open marriages were more socially accepted, It would give people an outlet to have a more complete and healthy relationship. I believe that wanting to have sex with multiple partners is humanist trait, and that we should try to collectively support our own natural tendency. Although swinging is not for every couple, I believe it truly has the ability to help build a stronger relationship for people who need diverse sexual experiences in their life.

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