Reflection About New Year Day In The Philippines

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Reflection There are so many interesting Filipino superstitions or folk beliefs associated with New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day in the Philippines. Filipinos say you should observe the following customs and traditions to ensure that the New Year being welcomed is a prosperous one. Many of these superstitions bear a strong Chinese influence specially wearing Polka Dots cloths. According to Filipino folklore, circles symbolize future good luck and riches.No matter what we wear, though, New Year signifies a new beginning. Flipping open a fresh calendar, with its 12 pristine, as-yet-unmarked months, is perhaps one of the most universally hopeful acts we humans perform: finally, a chance to shrug off a year’s worth of worries, conflicts, and …show more content…

For countries that adopted the Gregorian calendar, New Year's Day is always celebrated on January 1 of each year. The date never changes. This is the New Year often associated with the countries of the West and those that follow the Catholic faith. I guess it won't hurt to follow the customs and traditions that have been handed down from generations. Most may seem silly, and you may have to experience a typical Filipino family New Year celebration to believe it. We have all been there, wearing ridiculous polka dots just to pump up our luck. If it didn't work this year, try wearing red underwear for love, green for money, or yellow for happiness. Maybe this will finally do the trick! New Year's Eve attires did not end with wearing polka-dots. It was also required that our New Year's Eve attire should be predominantly red. It was believed that the colour red is for good luck. Again, another trait we have imbibed from the Chinese whose custom is to hand out little red envelopes or "hong pao" during New Year. When I was young, I didn't care much about what my parents or grandparents made me wear on New Year's Eve. I just hated the fact that our family pictures made us look like the Von Trapp Family Singers - all wearing the same design of clothes - red with polka

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