Redistricing In Texas

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Most Texas legislatures are honest and hardworking but there are few that are bribed in the lawmaking process by falling into the temptation of easy money. This brings up concerns about how the state government is really run. The same structure of has survived since the 1876 Constitution and there are no sign or interest of reforms. Ethical behavior cannot be guaranteed, but attempts have been made to set higher standards usually after the fallout of a scandal to provided penalties to those who fail. The first major scandal that raised concerns was the Sharpstown stock fraud which brought profits to officials who purchased stock from an insurance company. This allowed new reform laws to take effect which required lobbyists to register with the …show more content…

New laws to impose tougher ethical requirements were in order but the new reforms continued to be weak, but Governor Ann Richards describe the new attempts a “very strong step in the direction of openness and ethics reform in the state” (America 788). Redistricting was introduced in the Texas Constitution of 1876 and occurs at least every 10 years after the federal census. The changing population causes the redrawing of legislative and other political district boundaries in order to ensure equal representation. The Legislative Redistricting Board takes on the job if the legislative fails to do so. Redistricting is one of the most controversial and partisan issues, and Texas did not immediately take part. It was not until the decision of the federal court cases Baker v. Carr, and Reynolds v. Sims, that forced Texas to represent the population equally and made state legislature districts a one person, one vote principle. The state gets divided into congressional districts and the case of Wesberry v. Sanders made each U.S. House District equal in

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