Rebellion Against Great Britain Research Paper

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The United States’ rebellion against Great Britain was the first step towards a future self-governing nation. The American Revolution was caused by parliaments unfair actions to the colonies and these actions gave American’s lasting values such as freedom and equality and changed the political system by giving white men the right to vote and hold office. The American colonies first experienced the first acts of tyranny when parliament imposed unfair taxes to cover the costs of the French and Indian War. The Sugar Act was the first tax that the colonies faced, and their reaction was the first united action against Britain. The colonies boycotted luxury Britain goods to bring parliament to stop the tax. Not only did the colonies believe this tax was unfair, but they also realized they were taxed without representation. After the colonies started to question parliaments authority, natural law started to emphasize, but parliament started violating each of these laws. Through the Boston …show more content…

This was since many founding fathers were afraid of a corrupted government with their best needs put before the citizens. Due to this fear, it became a law that all white men could hold office and vote, to reverse the previous tyranny. In the article, …, it explains how the revolution was not only a rebellion against Britain, but it was also a revolution against the higher authorities of the colonies. America was one of the first countries with a democratic government, which meant that it set an example for more countries to follow them. The Americans elected a president rather than a monarchy because they had experience with the British monarchy and did not want to go back to the tyranny that they once were ruled by. This change in the political system is significant because the base of this government system is still relevant in modern

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