Reasearch on Free Will and Determinism

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The argument of free will and determinism is a very complex argument. Some might say we have free will because we are in control; we have the ability to make our own choices. Others might say it’s in our biological nature to do the things we do; it’s beyond our control. Basically our life experiences and choices are already pre determined and there’s nothing we can do to change it. Many philosophers have made very strong arguments that support both sides.
In life we are constantly questioning why people act the way they do. A determinist would say that freedom of choice couldn’t always be possible because our actions are determined by things that are way beyond our control. This view is known as the most extreme form of determinism; hard determinism. A hard determinist would believe there is no free will it’s an illusion everything is determined. Everything happens because of physical laws, which govern the universe. Whether or not we do well in life is far beyond our control. We may seem to have a choice but in reality we don’t. We shouldn’t blame people or praise people it wasn’t their choice. We are helpless and blind from start to finish. We don’t have any moral responsibilities. Some causes that are put forth by determinist are human nature; which means people are born with basic instincts that influence how they act. Another is environmental influence, which simply means people are shaped by their environment conditioned by their experience to be the kind of people they are. Also, social dynamics, which mean’s social creatures that are influenced by social force around them and psychological forces, which is people, are governed by psychological forces.
Compatiblism also, known as soft determinism is the view that all e...

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...who we become so therefore, we have freedom.
Jean Grimshaw was feminist philosopher. Jean Grimshaw along with other feminist believed that repressive forces come from a male dominated society. She believes that manipulation has forced women to believe that they are inferior to men. Feminist authors wrote books about how women condition in their thinking by men. Grimshaw believes that there is an authentic female spirit self at the core of each woman. Women can discover their core releasing themselves from social and psychological oppression. Grimshaw states a lot of our decisions are not even our own but rather suggested to us and we tend to tell ourselves that we are the one that made that decision.
I agree with the liberation view everyone should have the right to life his or her life in any way these choose as long as they are respecting the rights of other’s.

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