Raymond Tomlinson Essay

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"Almost by accident", that's how Raymond Tomlinson describes his invention of one of the biggest communications phenomena ever created (Dictionary, n.d.). The computer application took mere minutes to construct. Tomlinson had no idea what he had made. But email, whether he knew it or not, was to become an important part of the computer world and Raymond Tomlinson was to become infamous.

Email is quite possibly the most important computer application ever created. Even the most primitive of computer systems comes with access to email. The most novice computer users know how to send and receive email and the slowest Internet provider will get a user to an email server. As the first major computer application, email is a huge part of daily …show more content…

In 1960 at the young age of 19, he wrote his first computer program as an intern at IBM in Poughkeepsie, NY. He went on to attend graduate school at MIT where he had problems with neglecting his studies, too busy with writing new computer programs to spend time in class (Campell, n.d.). In 1965 after getting his Master's degree from MIT in computer engineering, he began work on his doctoral thesis on computer voice recognition. In the middle of working on his thesis he paid a visit to Bolt Beranek and Newman, a large corporate company (BBN). Two years later BBN hired him to work in their Research Computer Center (Carmen, …show more content…

Tomlinson worked on building the program, SNDMSG, which allowed multiple users on the same computer to leave messages for each other to view later. SNDMSG used a "mailbox" to deliver messages by applying the message to the end of the mailbox. At the same time Tomlinson was working on SNDMSG, he was also testing a program (CYPNET) that transferred files between computers on the ARPANET. In 1971, while working on the two programs he thought up a way to blend SNDMSG and CYPNET: instead of delivering messages to a mailbox on the same computer, messages could be delivered to a mailbox on a different computer (Campell, n.d.). After creating the email system he had to come up with a way to separate messages coming from one computer from those coming from another. After only a few minutes of thought, he decided on the @ sign, because the message was going from where he was at, to where someone else was at. This simple symbol would come to mean more than he ever thought possible. The first email was actually sent from Tomlinson at one computer to himself at another computer that sat right beside the first. Unlike Alexander Graham Bell's famous first call to his assistant, Thomas Watson in which he allegedly said "Mr. Watson--come here--I want to see you." the contents of the first email message are not know. Tomlinson said he thinks he just struck

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