Rape Culture Rape

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“Eat, Sleep, Rape, Repeat”, an image uploaded in 2015 went viral, after a man posted a photo of himself grinning from ear to ear holding a casual peace sign.This picture depicts a rape culture that exists today. Not only does it occur in our everyday lives, it is thought to be almost normal in this generation. Although he might hold up a peace sign, he is supporting a non-peaceful practice; rape. A women’s clothing does not provide consent One week ago, Coachella Valley. Vera Papisova, a reporter from “Teen Vogue” was groped 22 times despite attending Coachella Music Festival for 10 hours. During her 10 hours, she interviewed fifty-four women,attending the festival, and all had one common answer, they had all been sexaully assaulted in some form. Marshall University says, “this environment is where rape is prevalent and sexual violence is normalized and excused.” Statistically, a survey done by “OurMusicOurBody (Pg 1)” states, 92 percent of female concert goers have been harassed. Not to mention, information on sexual assault on the Coachella Website does not pop anywhere. …show more content…

Judge Archie Simonson made the verdict, that the boys were only reacting normally to the sexaully permisveness clothing she had on. The first boy was only sentenced to one year of home supervision by court, the second sent to a boys’ home and the third had his charges dropped. The Judge made his aspect on women very clear-cut by the appalling and sexist comments he made. Some include, “stop teasing us”, and “women are sex objects whether they like it or not. But this philosophy continues to be taught early on in today’s

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