Questions For Lord Of The Flies Chapter 6 Essay

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1. Jack tells his tribe that they will all start hunting and that he is the chief. He entices them with immediate gratification. They sneak off in the middle of the night because it is dark, which means evil. They leave an offering out for the beast. Jack and the rest of the hunters do not want to admit that the evil might be inside of them. Jack comes up with a great solution for everyone. He shows that he is a savage but also has some civilization left in him. Jack needs the beast because that is his point of control over the group. Jack uses their fear of the beast to control them. He tells them that they will kill a pig and feed some of it to the beast. He starts off by saying, “We’ll hunt. I’m going to be chief” (Golding 133). He is now chief and he is leading his tribe much differently than Ralph is.

2. Golding discusses the killing of the sow in such detail because it is such an important and pivotal part in the novel. They are killing the sow just for their own enjoyment not for food or control anymore. They do not need to kill the sow; they want to kill the sow. They are killing the connection to the adult world because they do not want any connection to anything. This is the time in which the hunters will not return and they will now …show more content…

During the evening of the day after Piggy’s death Ralph climbs up the side of Castle Rock and SamnEric are on duty and they inform him of Jack’s plan. They tell Ralph Jack’s plan as they say, “They hate you, Ralph. They’re going to do you” (Golding 188). They later add, “They’re going to hunt you tomorrow” (Golding 188). This shows that Ralph is now very scared. Also that Ralph is at the bottom of the food chain. Roger uses the stick to kill someone and then uses it as an offering to the beast. He does not understand that they will use the sharpened stick on him. Ralph still has a little bit of civilization left and does not think that it would go to that level to him because he would never do

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