Queen Elizabeth 1 Essay

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Elizabeth I was the Queen of England during the late 15TH century to the early 16th century. During her reign, Queen Elizabeth had done many remarkable decisions for England that has an influence to this day on our modern lifes. She was one of the most powerful females and monarchs at that time; she ruled a nation without marrying and due to that, she was known as the Virgin Queen. Her 45 year reign was also known as the Golden Age of the English history. She was a very influential leader who left behind many positive effects on her nation’s future. Elizabeth had a positive influence through her actions; she brought about the freedom of religion within England, she brought peace and prosperity to England, and she adopted the Act of Supremacy and the Act of Uniformity. ₁
During Elizabeth’s 45 years reign she brought glory to England, during it a secure Church of England was established. Roman Catholicism was enforced in England by Mary I, which many people did not agree on but had no choice but to follow it, rebellions were executed and tortured and many people had fled the country for their own safety. After Elizabeth took over the throne, everything was to be changed. She was known to be educated as a Protestant and it was only a matter of time for her to put an end to the Roman Catholicism, and by ending the Roman Church, she was signaling to the Protestant refuges to return to their land. ₂ Elizabeth viewed the 1559 Religious Settlement as an Act of State, which declared her as the Head of church and was to establish a proper relationship between the Crown and Church. Elizabeth had to face challenges with the “die- hard Catholics” who wanted to carry on the work of Mary I and those who wanted a more radical Church of England...

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...need to be a strong leader. Elizabeth brought freedom of religion to England and found a way to bring the Roman Catholics together without conflict. Bringing back the Protestants was a priority to her since they were tortured by her sister Mary I and were forced the leave the country for their own safety. Elizabeth was able to end the Spanish domination of the sea which presented England as a powerful country to others and that led England to having allegiances. She was also able to uniform the country and spread the peace by passing the Supremacy act which gave Elizabeth the ultimate power over the Church and the Uniformity acts brought the Common book of Prayer to the people so they can be uniformed in their prayers. Elizabeth’s reign’s impact have influenced our modern day government and society and helped shape England to be a very powerful country for decades.

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