Purpose Of Reading Comprehension

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I. Introduction
Reading is one of the primary study tasks a student undertakes. There are many purposes for reading. Some examples would be looking for factual information, getting an overall view of a subject, or identifying the author’s main points. The purpose will determine the approach, and thus the strategy you should select. Many students don’t consider the purpose, instead they just start reading.
Reading comprehension is a process in which the reader constructs meaning using as the building materials the information on the printed page and the knowledge stored in the reader’s head (Samuels, “The Method of Repeated Readings” 169). It involves intentional thinking, during which meaning is constructed through interactions between …show more content…

Comprehension strategy instruction helps students become purposeful, active readers who are in control of their own reading comprehension. These seven strategies have research-based evidence for improving text comprehension. First is, Monitoring comprehension, Students who are good at monitoring their comprehension know when they understand what they read and when they do not. They have strategies to "fix" problems in their understanding as the problems arise. Research shows that instruction, even in the early grades, can help students become better at monitoring their comprehension. Second is Metacognition. Metacognition can be defined as "thinking about thinking." Good readers use metacognitive strategies to think about and have control over their reading. Before reading, they might clarify their purpose for reading and preview the text. During reading, they might monitor their understanding, adjusting their reading speed to fit the difficulty of the text and "fixing" any comprehension problems they have. After reading, they check their understanding of what they read. Third is Graphic and semantic organizers. Graphic organizers illustrate concepts and relationships between concepts in a text or using diagrams. Graphic organizers are known by different names, such as maps, webs, graphs, charts, frames, or

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