Puppy Mill Research Paper

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A puppy mill is a place where people force dogs to reproduce in order to sell the pups to stores, people or anyone else who is willing to buy them so they can make money. Thousands of dogs are made each year by these mills, and because they make more dogs then they can sell an overpopulation of dogs begins to occur. A serious of conflict occurs from puppy mills. Since animals from stores are from breeding mills that means the mills are being supported to stay in business from anyone who buys a puppy from stores. Also since more people are buying from stores, less people are buying animals from a shelter therefore those animals have a higher chance of dying. Puppy mills also do not take care of the dogs whom are in their care. Some of the animals are abused very badly by these places. Female dogs are forced to reproduce every chance they can, and when they get to the point where they are physically no longer able to do so they get killed. There food is contaminated with algae or other bacteria that grows. (DoSomething.org) Also the living conditions they have the …show more content…

Everyone should care about this topic because lives are being taken due to this problem. Since there is an overpopulation of dogs in the United States of America shelters are overcrowded and are unable to help all the animals. To make room for more they euthanize some old ones to make room for the new ones. Also if there is an overpopulation in puppy mills some of them let the dogs go astray with no shots or anything. There could be a stray dog in your neighborhood with diseases and they could attack you at any moment. If this situation is not better addressed more animals will die everyday and the chances of someone either getting attacked by a stray dog with diseases or running over a dog will

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