Psychological Disorders Video Analysis

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During our past couple psych classes, Dr. Hunter has been giving us different videos to watch that relate to different psychological disorder. This videos helped me to have a better understanding on some of the different disorders and what I person may look like who has one of them. The first video he showed was of a man who was severely manic. The man appeared to be very jittery and he was unable to keep his thoughts straight. He often got mad when the psychiatrist that he was talking to tried to change the subject from what he wanted to talk about. He often explained how God speaks to him and tells him what to do. He was very upbeat and did not fully grasp the concept of why he was seeing a psychiatrist because he believed that there was …show more content…

When the video began, it was noticeable that she did not care about her appearance and she was also unable to make eye contact with the psychiatrist. She talked about how her hours were cut back at work and that she had recently gone through a divorce. If this was the cause it would mean that her depression is reactive. She explained that her being depressed not only affected her, but also her loved ones. She has very little interaction with her two kids because all she wants to do is lay on the couch. She also has a new boyfriend, who she has not been getting along great with because she is never in the mood to go out and do anything with him. This video showed me how depression can really turn someone’s life upside down. The final video that we saw was of a college student who showed signs of psychosis. He explained that his roommates were trying to hurt him. He said that he could always hear them talking about him no matter where he went. Even when he was in the doctor’s office, he could hear the roommates’ voices from across the room. He also admitted that for a time, he believed his parents were involved in plotting against him. He disregarded this theory later

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