Protein Digestion With The Enzyme Pepsin

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work of an enzyme
This is to show what occurs to the food that we consume on a daily basis.One of the process that bring growth in mammals (human beings) is the intake of diffrent types of food. And this food that we eat cannot generate growth by itself but it has to work with glands, hormones, enzymes etc. With this report we will focus on how enzymes reacts with the food or whatever we take in.

What is an enzyme? An enzymes is a substance produced by a living organism that acts as a catalyst to bring about a specific biochemical reaction. It is a biochemical catalyst that allow chemical reaction to take place, it is a functional protein that regulates various metabolic pathway of the body.

On this note what is a catalyst? A catalyst is
When chemical biuret reagent reacts with protein it turns up purple blue in the presence of undigested protein and lavender pink in the presence of amino acids.
Protein digestion occured Tube.If you add egg white pr albumin with sodium hydroxide the color of the mixture after adding biuret reagent the result is a light pinkish purple which shows protein digestion.
In Tube 4 there was not a protein digestion the egg white plus HCl after adding biuret reagent gives a clear color.
Enzyme catalyzed chemical reaction with greatest efficiency within a narrow range of pH.The effect of pH on protein digestion with pepsin is a protein digestion enzyme in (gastric juice) operate between a low pH range. The reason being most enzymes in the human body work best within a narrow range of temperature near 40 degrees celsius.

1--2---3-----4---------5-------6--------7----------8-----9-------------10 pH to
This causes the lipase to clump together and form large fat “globules” in the small intestine. In this form it is nearly impossible for the enzyme pancreatic lipase to catalyse the breakdown of lipase into monoglycerides and free fatty acid because it has only a small surface area on which area to work pancreatic lipase. The first step in lipase digestion is to breakup this large fat globule into smaller piece, a process called

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