Protecting Endangered Animals Essay

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Although it may not seem saving or protecting endangered animals is important, it actually and truly is important because animals around the world are being killed for wildlife market goods which is illegal and destroys the species population in that environment. Citizens should take more concern with taking care of these endangered animals before they become totally extinct and will no longer be seen on the face of the earth. Recently researchers have found that poachers (hunters who hunt animals for their value with trading illegal merchandise) are killing thousands of animals a day, and they are doing so even to this day. These species should be treated with more responsibility and care. They are even being killed by human interactions At present, of the 150,000 protected areas across the world, just 3% are in the oceans. As countries introduce measures to improve protection, it is important that the governments and the environmental agencies select sites for regulation.”(Schofield 834-836). This states that the government should improve their ways of assisting in care for the endangered species, but it is still quite expensive for them to do so. Well just how good are researchers doing in keeping up with all the According to the passage “It was a global statement to arouse awareness of the scourge of poaching which had seen Kenya’s elephant population dwindle from 65,000in 1979 to 17,000in 1989. As a result new wildlife agency was made called the Kenya Wildlife Service, which was set up by the British elite unit, the SAS, to fight the poaching menace. For two decades Kenya Wildlife Service was a success. But not anymore, and the gory story of poaching has spilled well over Kenya’s borders. Exactly twenty two years later, Moi’s successor, Mwai Kibaki repeated the same feat by torching three hundred thirty five ivory tusks and more than 40,000 trinkets worth fifteen million dollars.”(Kabukuru

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