Pros and Cons of Natural Refrigerants in Light Commercial and Residential Applications

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In this paper over natural refrigerant I will be covering the pros and cons of natural refrigerant in light commercial and residential applications. There are many natural substances in this world that can be used to help or decrease the efficiency of a heating ventilation air conditioning system. Some of these substances are water, air, ammonia, and hydrocarbons. All these substances are natural that come from the earth we live on. Over the course of this paper I will be covering the pros and cons of swamp coolers, geo thermal heating and cooling units and how these natural substances can help and or decrease how your heating and cooling unit performs.
The first application I’m going to discuss where water is used as a natural refrigerant is a swamp cooler, with a swamp cooler there is a drum that is made of an absorbing material where the bottom of the drum is submerged in water. A fan blows outside air across the drum as the air passes over the drum the temperature of the air decreases as the relative humidity is drawn from the drum into the outside air that is passing across the drum. Some pros to using a swamp cooler are the pretty cheap to build and surprisingly quite efficient to run and maintain.” They're cheap to build and install. The only materials it takes to make them are a blower fan, a pump, a pad (either synthetic or made of wood shavings), some water and a box (usually made of sheet metal), The National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) estimates that an evaporative cooler, installed, costs between $700 and $1,000, compared to several thousand dollars for a central air conditioner (Swamp)” Although there are some pros to a swamp cooler if you live in a humid climate where some of the humidity needs to be r...

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...ants can do to help make your heating and cooling system run much more efficiently. While it costs more money to have a system such as a geothermal system these natural substances can make the air you breath cleaner, make the heating and cooling system work much less which in return saves you money on the operating of that heating and cooling system.

Works Cited

"Geothermal Heating and Air Conditioning | About GeoSmart Technology | Sacramento." Geothermal Heating and Air Conditioning | About GeoSmart Technology | Sacramento. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 May 2014.
"Ground Water Source (Open Loop)Heat Pump Systems." Ground Water Source (Open Loop)Heat Pump Systems. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Apr. 2014.
"HowStuffWorks "Swamp Cooler Benefits"" HowStuffWorks. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Apr. 2014.
"5 Things to Know About a Geothermal Heat Pump." The Family Handyman. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 May 2014

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